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Author:  Shivangi Pathak, IV year of B.A.,LL.B from Faculty of Law, Delhi Metropolitan Education, Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.


The liberal meaning of the special economic zones is it set forth the duty-free peninsula for the purpose of the trade operations as well as the duty tariffs which is technically used for overseas territory or we can in another language it is the particular area that sez is certain area where the laws are different from the typically economic law which followed by any country. “The role behind the birth of special economic zones or the need of it is to actually increase foreign investments. They are many countries who adopted the technique of the special economic zones including China, India, Jordan, Russia, Poland, Philippines, Kazakhstan. The profit which its get from the SEZs is they produce goods at the lower price to become globally most competitive countries and control the power against other countries in the world because to increase in the SEZs the benefit also gave them by the help of the trade balance, effective administration, employment, job creation etc”.


The foremost reason of the establishment of the SEZs in the china is to improve the material life of the Chinese people by the socialistic revolution. Secondly, the root laws for the economic structure surpasses the ideologies of the people and day by day they ere focused to increase the economic conditions by the foreign countries trading rather to make themselves helpless from the previous condition of the china. Among the various countries of the world there are experience which can borrow and also form in the best of it and ultimately their own economic infrastructure. After that, leasing system introduced to raised their own level to overcome the challenges behind them or in front of them. According to the Lenin establishment of the leasing system help the Soviet Union to acquire large enterprises. “All in all, the numerous research work and discussions had made on to the subject matter of the special economic zones and also boil down some considerations. The need of the hour in china is to promote the economic changes as well as the technical changes with the foreign because which involves the payment and exploit the socialist to increase the profit and reduce the cost by that they rule the power in respect of the other countries.”


The actual zenith of the SEZs is ruling to the advertisement of the technological as well as the economy association which gained enough wideness the course of development. “We witness few stages in the china who are at the pinnacle in the field of zenith. From the starting if we started then there is a particular piece of land of about one square kilometre (Shekou)was specifies out of the Shenzhen which plays the role to export the cooperative projects and also the various joint ventures which was binding between china merchant steam navigation co-foreign firms and Hong Kong Chinese enterprise who are managing the administration of transporting the items, handling the stuff related on the subject of the hiring of labours as well as giving the approvals of the projects and various important things”. After that not a year had completed and the news came before them that Guangdong has three SEZs from the help of Shenzhen who were designated for the devolvement over there and also help them in the technology provided from foreign countries to various fields including commerce, culture and agriculture. Since the starting of the SEZs in the china Shenzhen had developed the country to an another level they set forth the high standard against everyone who broadened the concept of the devolvement in the course of SEZs who set specific laws , some material incentives to stable the boosting the energy in the employees as the province separated from the rest of the country also distinct always in the matter of economically and also administratively but the USP of the Shenzhen is that though it is separated from the rest of the country but It will closely connected to the rest of the world.


There are the four special economic zones in the china which are located along the cost of the South China and also closely placed with each other. So, they don’t face the difficulties to the reach effective administration including port facilities and international trade. These four are Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Hongkong, Macau. The first two shares the borders with other two so they get profit by the established markets for eastern trading ports. The excellent transport and communication service source of invested economy get by only from the Hong Kong. Many foreign ports gave birth are in so far connected to these port cities.


The laws always used to regulate the discipline between others with fairness so as with the SEZs it helps with the policy package as well as the implements the principles which is pillars for the effective administration of that.

When there is the discussion on the matter of legislations then SEZs has the greater autonomy in their hands. “After being passed by the local PC or PCSC, a SEZ regulation only needs to be submitted to the NPCSC for filing. When a SEZ regulation goes into effect is determined by the local PC or PCSC; the procedure of submitting for filing is purely a matter of notification and does not affect its legal effect”. Although the procedures of that legislations is anyway tighter and take ordinarily regulations by relatively a lot.

The reason behind the efficacy of the SEZs rules than the central rules of the china , The main reason is that the SEZs’ legislative authority has been confirmed by which indicates that the SEZs’ legislative authority has been constitutionally entrenched (the LL is a constitutional law).

During the establishment of the SEZs the leaders gave the concerned to the “special economic zones” the to the “political zones” of the country

The actually economic system from which the country evolve is different from the special economic zones economy system. the rules and regulations which must be followed by the SEZs cities empowers by LL


Market economy is not friendly in the 1980s as well as 1990s. they enhance it only by their hard work and their discipline which by setting the rules and regulations to set they adopted 19 regulations in the legislations of the SEZs in the Shenzhen. By the means of the contract Shenzhen allowed to Guangdong to recruit their labour force or to dismiss.. When the Shenzhen forwarding in making rules for the SEZs at that time period Shenzen Municipal People Government issues more than 160 Government rules. In 1993 they adopted joint stock company system . to founding the joint stock company loacal administration approval is requied., but under regulations join stock company approval no required.(art. 4).

Legislating for a Market Economy

There are two types of SEZs legislations which provide actual patter of the work for a market economy. They were always introducing rules and regulations on a market economy while others in the world is the under the tree of traditional economy. Local economic development facilitates the policies and regulations in the market economy. National legislation impact by its most effective way is the sanction of the granting land leases which is adopted by Shenzhen in 1987 also with help of the land management law already in the given article 2 and 10 were still play the effective role.


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