Author: Anand Mohan, B.A.,LL.B from Babu Banarasi Das University.
In this article, it is mentioned about depression and its causes. How depression may cause in human beings and how this will effect our daily lifestyle. How over thinking may lead to overall depression. In spite of all of these, how over thinking will effect on our internal system like blood pressure and many brain problems. At last it is mentioned about how to deal with this problem and sustain a robust lifestyle and again begin our life properly and be happy.
"It feels as if everyone else is moving on with their lives while I'm stuck here, in this hole that I can't climb out of".
Not many individuals talk about their mental health issues. They build up emotional feelings inside without a way to verbally self-express themselves, which can be very dangerous for individuals struggling with their mental health and who do not see a way out but suicide in this article. Depression is the most unpleasant thing a person can ever experience in their lives. It is the absence of being able to envisage that the person will ever be cheerful again. Depression is like the inability to construct the future.
What may appear as a symptom of depression may not be the same symptom for another. Most people who have depression do not have a set of common symptoms, which may include:
Feelings of constant sadness
Feelings of hopelessness
Loss of interest in activities
Being tired
Difficulty sleeping
Change in appetite
I would like to speak on recognizing and treating most depression symptoms and the difference between sadness and depression. Sadness is a normal emotion, as depression is an abnormal emotional state, a mental illness that affects our thinking, emotions, perception, and behavior. The severity of these symptoms of depression may vary depending on the person who has the condition. Those with mild depression may have less energy or can be in low spirits. Those with the most severe symptoms of depression often feel hopeless and will consider or attempt to commit suicide.
Depression is ubiquitous and can affect everyone. Depression symptoms might come on suddenly, mainly if triggered by an event such as a death in the family. When trying to pinpoint the cause of depression, there is no single cause, nor is there an exact known cause. The most commonly held view on the cause of depression is that those with the condition tend to suffer from either medical, mental, or environmental issues. They may even suffer from all three or two or just one of these causes.
There are a few things to consider regarding these causes of depression:
1. Depression has been known to cause physical symptoms to manifest; it is not considered a disease.
2. One of the core aspects of depression is how a person with the condition tends to think; simply being a pessimist is not enough to develop depression.
3. A trauma or painful experience may trigger depression, but not all people who experience the same trauma develop depression.
One of the primary keys to understanding depression is to focus on the physical effects and see what links the symptoms to other aspects of depression. For example, if something happens to you, such as the sudden death of a loved one, you will feel angry, hurt, sad, or even in shock. These traumatic events have been linked to depression.
However, this does not mean these events caused depression. How we deal with what happens after a traumatic event will help us figure out if we are depressed or have difficulty coping with what happened. If we are not careful, this can turn into depression if we do not seek help and talk to someone about how we are mentally feeling. The root cause of depression is not usually physical; it is also not a biological disorder. A chemical imbalance can cause depression in the brain from the balance of norepinephrine or serotonin.
This is the main reason why people use drug treatments to balance these chemicals. Low levels of these chemicals are just a symptom of depression and not a cause. When you're stressed, being involved in hobbies may seem challenging, but it will make you feel better. Choose an activity you've previously enjoyed, such as sport, art, dance, or music class, or a club. You don't always feel inspired for a while there, but once you get back into the routine of things, your attitude and excitement will bump up. Your mental state will suffer if you sleep less or too much. Good sleep patterns, on the other hand, will help you get on a better sleep schedule.
Depression can be a vicious cycle that can go in circles and find no way out. Once this pattern takes hold, it can worsen unless we get help to break the cycle. People who have depression don’t speak much about it because of the myth that depression is a sign of weakness. Communicating with friends and family in a face-to-face interaction. They can break the process by taking the first step and talking to someone that will listen, and they feel safe and trust. In order to make a difference, people must recognize the seriousness and high risk of depression and suicide.